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Stream your media to your DLNA device e.g. tv with miniDLNA on a linux machine

Recently we bought a Sony Bravia LED TV with the possibility to receive streams.
It can read DLNA, which is not much, so dont fall for the certificate.
DLNA means it can read MPEG-I/II and some other normal stuff.
Luckily the Sony Bravia can read mkv and x256 and some other codecs.
And this is something the sells people and adverbs dont tell you, so be warned not to trust the DLNA-Certificate too much, the device has to decode the media in the end.

Anyway i set up miniDLNA on my laptop and now I am able to stream my media to the television. Although the process did not go that well.

The problem was miniDLNA was breaking down all the time. And checking it by reading the logs etc revealed permission issues.

I had to start miniDLNA as the user my files belonged to. BUT I did not use the user setting in the minidlna.conf instead I just started the daemon as the user.
I could have done this with a startup script, but there were some issues with the network being set up at the same time etc.

Anyway, this should help you:

  • install minidlna
  • do not enable it as a service
  • set folders in YOUR home folder: ~/minidlna/... log and db
  • set up /etc/minidlna.conf with these folders and the media folder
  • read into max_user_watches
  • basically follow this: ArchLinux - MiniDLNA
  • this command will start the server:
    /usr/bin/minidlnad -R -f /etc/minidlna.conf -P ~/minidlna/minidlna.pid
  • and this I put into my .bashrc because even starter on XFCE would not work, so I will just open a terminal and either its running or being started;
    or I am at the right place to read the logs:

    if ps -All | grep minidlnad; then
            echo "miniDLNA is running"
            /usr/bin/minidlnad -R -f /etc/minidlna.conf -P ~/minidlna/minidlna.pid
            echo "started server just now - wait for having the files parsed"
After this annoying battle just one thing bugged me: the server collapsed a lot.
I figured out it had to do with my firewall and the udp uptime etc. so putting down the firewall, stopping minidlan (pkill minidlna) and starting it again made it visuable again.

Yesterday we got a different router though and since then the server responses a lot better. So maybe our Fritz!Box caused problems.

The alternative would have been mediatomb but I was very please with the low consumption of resources that I wanted minidlna to work. Now its very fast with processing files and streaming them.

If you have a lot to stream, consider a NAS, or setting up a raspberry Pi with a harddisk; but always have in mind that you will never know the extend of information your devices are collecting and sending out to their companies.
There are first allegations towards LG, and who knows what Sony, Samsung, Panasonic etc. are collecting in times of big data abuse.

Have fun!


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